
Logistics on the Food Sector

Logistics on the Food Sector | D-Log

The Impact of Logistics on the Food Sector in Colombia: Key Aspects

In a challenging economic landscape, the food sector in Colombia stands out for its sustained growth. Logistics plays a fundamental role in this success.


How has the food sector in Colombia evolved in recent years?

The food sector in Colombia has shown remarkable resilience. According to DANE data in 2023, food production grew by 3.2%, while the economy overall expanded by only 1.3%. This growth is partly attributed to innovations in the supply chain and the sector's adaptability.


What role does technology play in food sector logistics?

Digitization has revolutionized food logistics. According to a study by the National Association of Colombian Businessmen (ANDI), 68% of companies in the sector have implemented digital traceability systems. Technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain are improving efficiency and transparency throughout the supply chain.


How is e-commerce affecting food distribution?

E-commerce has boomed in the food sector. In 2023, online food sales grew by 45% compared to the previous year, according to the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce. This shift has forced companies to adapt their last-mile logistics, with 72% investing in new rapid delivery solutions.


What logistical challenges does the food sector in Colombia face?

Despite its growth, the sector faces significant challenges:

  • Infrastructure: 45% of secondary and tertiary roads are in poor condition, affecting food transportation from rural areas.
  • Costs: Transportation accounts for 35% of the final cost of food, according to the Colombian Federation of Freight Transporters (Colfecar).
  • Losses: It is estimated that 34% of food is lost in the logistics chain, mainly due to storage and transportation issues.


What are the future trends in food logistics in Colombia?

Sustainability and Circular Economy

Sustainability has become imperative for Colombia's food industry:

  • Reducing emissions: According to a recent study by the National University of Colombia, 85% of food sector companies plan to reduce their CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030.
  • Eco-friendly packaging: The Colombian Association of Plastic Industries (Acoplásticos) reports that the use of biodegradable packaging in the food sector grew by 40% in 2023 compared to 2022.
  • Reverse logistics: 62% of large food companies have implemented reverse logistics programs to recover and recycle packaging, according to ANDI data.


Automation and Robotics

  • Investment in technology: A report by ProColombia indicates that investment in automated systems for food sector warehouses will grow at a compound annual rate of 28% between 2024 and 2028.
  • Collaborative robots: The implementation of cobots (collaborative robots) in picking operations has increased efficiency by 35% in companies that have adopted them, according to a study by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.
  • Autonomous vehicles: It is expected that by 2026, 20% of last-mile deliveries in Colombia's main cities will be made with autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicles.
Logistics on the Food Sector  | D-Log

Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

  • Demand forecasting: Companies using AI for demand forecasting have reduced forecast errors by 40%, according to a joint study by the University of the Andes and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications.
  • Route optimization: The implementation of AI algorithms for route optimization has allowed a 25% reduction in transportation costs for companies in the sector, according to Colfecar data.
  • Predictive maintenance: The use of IoT sensors and advanced analytics has reduced refrigeration equipment downtime by 60%, according to a report by the Colombian Logistics Association.


Urban Logistics and Micro Distribution Centers

  • Dark stores: In 2023, the number of dark stores (hidden stores for fast deliveries) in Colombia's main cities increased by 150%, according to data from the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce.
  • Microhubs: It is projected that by 2025, 40% of food deliveries in urban areas will be made from micro distribution centers, reducing delivery times by 65%.
  • Night logistics: The implementation of nighttime deliveries in Bogotá has reduced transit times by 30% and CO2 emissions by 20%, according to a pilot carried out by the Mobility Secretariat.


Blockchain and Traceability

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing traceability in the food supply chain:

  • Growing adoption: According to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, 35% of large food companies in Colombia implemented blockchain traceability solutions in 2023, and this figure is expected to reach 60% by 2026.
  • Consumer trust: A study by the Javeriana University reveals that food products with blockchain traceability are 25% more likely to be chosen by consumers.
  • Fraud reduction: Blockchain implementation has reduced food fraud cases by 45% in the supply chains that have adopted it, according to INVIMA data.


An example of Blockchain in the food sector is as follows:

Let’s say you buy a carton of milk. With blockchain, you could scan a QR code on the packaging and see:

  • The farm where the cow was milked
  • The date and time of milking
  • The truck that transported the milk
  • The plant where it was processed
  • The store that received it


This helps:

  • Guarantee food quality and safety
  • Quickly detect the origin of problems (such as contaminations)
  • Reduce food fraud
  • Increase consumer confidence


Blockchain in food is like a complete, trustworthy digital history of each product from its origin to your table.

Logistics is profoundly transforming Colombia’s food sector. Companies that can adapt to these changes and leverage new technologies will be better positioned to capitalize on market growth in the coming years.

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